Sunday, October 10, 2010

Been overseas for a year- time to blog.

So i'm sitting at my friends place on Thanksgiving and it's raining. I didn't think this would be how I would lose my Thanksgiving virginity. I had pictured turkey's stuffed with pumpkins, stuffed with potatoes, stuffed with cranberry sauce. I even bought the ingredients to make this concoction- yes ladies I can cook. I don't know how much Canadian's know about Australian history but I was unaware that the maple leaf country had a Thanksgiving (never tell them they're American's incognito).

Despite this I'm still happy because It's a long weekend here (don't tell Canadians Australian's get 4 weeks off a year plus public holidays). Working in landscaping I need all the time off I can get. Although making money is all important here albeit on 13 dollars an hour (I'm in BC). My Australian friends will scoff at that number. It's a good experience but I need to get back into 'White Collar' work....where I actually use my brain. It would take me 12 months to get qualified as a lawyer in Canada....which I did consider at one point.

I went to the pub on friday night and got swarmed by late 20, early 30 year olds who signed me up to play ultimate frisbee. I don't know if I look like a young, fit and fertile male but maybe they thought I did. They must be keen, they have already messaged me this morning. I don't really feel like getting wet though...playing ultimate frisbee.

Tonight appears to be promising. I'm going to watch my friend Steph play in a roller derby clash. Her stage name is 'one night slammer' so she will prob be pretty frisky especially because they're selling vodka there. Her sister has just had a baby and I know she will be an awesome Auntie to Sophia.

I am unclear what my plans are atm. I was going to quit landscaping at the end of this week. But I want to get home and have some money and I know I won't get work straight away when I'm back home. But its getting colder here it its kind of dead here unless you're on a mountain. My friend might be able to get me a job in Whistler and I have been looking at Australian business's in Vancouver.

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