Sunday, February 20, 2011

Danger Will Robinson

So over the last week there has been a death from a shark and a crocodile in Australia. The guy who died from the shark attack was an abalone diver and the guy who got killed by a crocodile lived in a Northern remote community. Both areas were renowned for having these predators. It also got me thinking would I avoid doing certain things or going to certain places because of dangers posed? While tourists shouldn’t be dismayed in coming here it is pertinent to be aware of dangers. Some tourists maybe knowledgeable that certain areas of Aus contain certain animals that you wouldn’t have around for dinner. As you would in turn become the dinner. Yet the same tourists may not be aware that there are reasons why you should swim between the flags at beaches.  Swimming outside of the flags could land you in the same position as trying to remove a snake from a walking path with your hands- dead. There are places on Australian beaches which are well known for sucking backpackers out to sea. Luckily we also have lifeguards to save you, although they would wish you had read the signs. Yes I know some signs are only in English but generally there are picture signs on the main beaches.
'In the 2009-2010 season, the overall number of coastal drowning deaths in Australia dropped to 82, from a five-year average of 88, said the report by Australia’s lifeguard organization. Twenty-six of those were tourists and migrants, compared to nine in 2006'. In overall drownings In 2004 197 people drowned in Australia compared to 492 in Canada in 2005.* 
It would be like me going to Iraq for a holiday; most people know parts of Northern Iraq are perfectly fine. In fact there is a burgeoning tourism industry; such is the scenery, as exemplified on Top Gear. Yet, if there were signs saying going south of here could pose detrimental risks to your brain or heart, I would think twice before going any further.  It would be like me not going to Yellowstone National Park because there are bears there more aggressive than Winnie the Pooh. I would still go there, but if there was a sign saying hungry lunatic bear has been scene further down the path, I would probably turn around or at least put a family a friend member in front of me.